A Brief History
The number three has been considered a special number for centuries. It is often associated with concepts such as balance, harmony, and completion. In many cultures, the number three is seen as a sacred number, and it is often used in religious and mythological symbolism.
In ancient Egypt, the number three was sacred to the goddess Isis. She was often depicted with three different aspects: the mother, the wife, and the daughter. The number three was also associated with the three pyramids at Giza, which were believed to represent the three stages of life: birth, death, and rebirth.
In ancient Greece, the number three was associated with the three Fates: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. Clotho spun the thread of life, Lachesis measured its length, and Atropos cut it short. The number three was also associated with the three Graces: Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia. They were the goddesses of beauty, charm, and the arts.
In ancient Rome, the number three was associated with the three-headed god Janus. He was the god of beginnings and endings, and he was often depicted with two faces, one looking back at the past and one looking forward to the future. The number three was also associated with the three-legged stool, which was a symbol of stability and strength.
The number three also appears in many Christian symbols. For example, the Holy Trinity is made up of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The number three is also associated with the three crosses on Calvary, where Jesus was crucified.
Some Famous Examples
The third eye
The father, son, and the holy ghost
Three Wise Men
The three forefathers
Mind, body, spirit
3’s Company (TV Show)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Three Blind Mice
Three Musketeers
Three Stooges
The Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria
Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil
On your mark, get set, go
ID, Ego, Superego
Three wishes (thank you, Genie!)
Here are some examples of leaders who have used the power of three:
Steve Jobs: Steve Jobs was a master of using the power of three. For example, he famously used the "three-act structure" in his presentations, which involved starting with a strong introduction, building up to a climax, and then ending with a strong conclusion.
Walt Disney: Walt Disney was another master of using the power of three. For example, he used the "three musketeers" formula in many of his films, which involved three main characters who worked together to achieve a common goal.
Jeff Bezos: Jeff Bezos is the CEO of Amazon, and he is known for his use of the "three-word memos". These are short, concise memos that are limited to three words. This helps to ensure that Bezos's messages are clear and easy to understand.
As you can see, the power of 3 is not just a mathematical concept, but a powerful tool that can help you in many aspects of your everyday life. Whether you are measuring, calculating, communicating, or creating, the power of 3 can make things easier, clearer, and more effective. So next time you encounter a number that is raised to the power of 3, don’t be intimidated. Instead, embrace it and use it to your advantage. Remember: three is the charm!